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Showing posts from June, 2015

Ways to Make Money Online From Home

 Ways To make Money Online from Home. On this page you’ll find all the best ways to make money in your spare time, based on our own experience. i’ll keep adding new ways to this page so go ahead and bookmark it. And please share your comments! 1. You can short any URL and share with  anyone through offline or online like ,,, . You can try below some best try URL shortener websites: , LinkBuck , ,LinkShrink, *Read this:  Best URL Shortener Websites To Earn Money Online 2015 2.  Apply to become a website tester at UserTesting ,  and get paid to review and test websites from the usability perspective.  Read this: User testing jobs:How To Make Money Online by Testing The Website. 3.  Sell your old stuff that you no longer use – like old  gadgets, CD-DVDs, furniture, mobile phones,vehicles,clothes etc. – on site...

Best URL Shortener Websites To Earn Money Online 2015

Best URL Shortener Websites To Earn Money Online-2015 In My previous post I show you how to earn money with Bc.Vc now today I share some best URL shortener to earn money online, those person which are not interested in blogging, user testing jobs, affiliated marketing or other online jobs to make money. They should try these URL shorteners to make money online. You just only need to shorten the URLs and share your short URL’s offline or online such as social websites like Facebook, Google plus, Twitter, or any other networks, when any one click on your shorten URLs you can get $2 to $10. There are many different URL shortener websites, but today I share best URL shorten websites with you. is new and latest URL shortener website. You will get more than $4 per 1000 views, this can be increase depend upon where from these URL are clicked, for example value of per click for USA, UK is more than Asian countries. You can also increas...

How to make WiFi hotspot using PC or Laptop

What is WiFi Hotspot? A Hotspot is a physical location which use WiFi technology that allow us to connect our smart devices to internet over a wireless local area network by using a router that is connected with ISP (internet service provider). Now you can established a wifi hotspot with your Pc or laptop with MY wifi router Software ( Released and developed by TX network in November 21th, 2014 ) My WIFI Router My WiFi router is a software, which can convert your Windows computer or laptop having window XP or window 7 or 8 to WiFi Hotspot with a single click. This allow you to share the internet connection anywhere and at any time. You can share as a single internet connection such as LAN, Ethernet, Data Card or share as multiple device connection such as WiFi to connect multiple phones it may be an android phone, windows phone, IPad, iPhone, iPod etc. This Software allow you to manage all devices and get details of each device that connected with your inte...

How to Make money by Monetize Website or Blog with Infolinks Ads.

What is Infolinks? Infolinks best AdSense alternative ,that allow you to generate revenue by serving text ads in your website or blog .Infolinks choose some best paying keyword to show ads through text, whenever a valid click on these keywords ,you get paid by Infolinks. To generate or making more money you need more valid clicks on text  and for valid click you need good amount of traffic on your website or Blog. Everyday many publisher are rejected by Google AdSense because they want the publisher website or blog must follow AdSense policy, in that situation Infolinks is one of best AdSense alternative advertising network to earn money. What are Differences between AdSense and Infolinks? ·         You can get approval from infolinks in 2 days, but AdSense take more than 2 days for approving a site. ·         AdSense offers you wide range of advertising option, than infolinks such different...