Ways To make Money Online from Home. On this page you’ll find all the best ways to make money in your spare time, based on our own experience. i’ll keep adding new ways to this page so go ahead and bookmark it. And please share your comments! 1. You can short any URL and share with anyone through offline or online like Facebook.com ,Vk.com,Twitter.com, GooglePlus.com . You can try below some best try URL shortener websites: Shorte.st , LinkBuck , Bc.vc ,LinkShrink, UrlCash.net *Read this: Best URL Shortener Websites To Earn Money Online 2015 2. Apply to become a website tester at UserTesting , and get paid to review and test websites from the usability perspective. Read this: User testing jobs:How To Make Money Online by Testing The Website. 3. Sell your old stuff that you no longer use – like old gadgets, CD-DVDs, furniture, mobile phones,vehicles,clothes etc. – on site...