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How to Make money by Monetize Website or Blog with Infolinks Ads.

What is Infolinks?
Infolinks best AdSense alternative ,that allow you to generate revenue by serving text ads in your website or blog .Infolinks choose some best paying keyword to show ads through text, whenever a valid click on these keywords ,you get paid by Infolinks. To generate or making more money you need more valid clicks on text  and for valid click you need good amount of traffic on your website or Blog. Everyday many publisher are rejected by Google AdSense because they want the publisher website or blog must follow AdSense policy, in that situation Infolinks is one of best AdSense alternative advertising network to earn money.

What are Differences between AdSense and Infolinks?
·        You can get approval from infolinks in 2 days, but AdSense take more than 2 days for approving a site.
·        AdSense offers you wide range of advertising option, than infolinks such different size banners, image ads etc.
·        Minimum payout by infolinks: $50, Minimum payout by AdSense: $100.

What are the eligibility criteria to get approval for your website or blog by infolinks?
·        Infolinks platform is open for any publisher it may be small or big publisher
·        No any special requirements for page views.
·        Setup your account with infolinks without any fee.
·        You are not allowed to use any copyright or duplicate contents in your blog or website.

How to Join Infolinks
To join infolinks you must have your blog, to apply infolinks you have to join infolinks through their website link, you see infolinks join page .
 Join here:link

How to Join Infolinks

You can complete signup process using e-mail or use Facebook account.
After the signup to Infolinks , infolinks team will review your application and it may 
take approximately 2 days. 

Infolinks sign up page
If they approve your application you get confirmation email. Now login to your account and click on integrate, after this you will see integrate option for Blogger, Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress platforms, for these platforms you can use plugin for integrate your website with infolinks ads.

How to join Infolinks
Infolinks dashboard

 Apart from these platform you can use JavaScript code for any platform ,use this code and place before </body>.After this process you are see infolinks ads in your website or blog.
You can customize ads through Infolinks Dashboard ,here you can choose suitable ad units from InFrame, InSearch, InTag, and InText ad units for your blog or websites, ,change your text-ads colour.
Check your payment history.
You can also enable email my reports option, to get earning reports through email.
You can link your info links account to your new website and blog.


How Much We Can Earn From Infolinks?

Earning from infolinks is not fixed like AdSense it is totally depend upon factor, that how much organic traffic comes from any search engine ,social networking site like Facebook, Google plus, twitter etc. To your website or blog. If your website or blog obtain high traffic from USA, Canada or UK you can earn good.

According to Infolinks "The sky is the limit! Your Infolinks earnings depend on how you implement the various products on your site as well as your visitors’ engagement with the Infolinks ads. Infolinks does not work with fixed CPM rates and each advertiser we work with sets his own price per view."

Minimum payout amount: $50.
Alexa Rank:3508

Payment method: Payments will be sent via PayPal, Payoneer, ACH , Echeck , Western Union, Wire Transfer.

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